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Education and Administration Team

Education Team

Dr Darius Adybeik MD, FRACGP, FSCCA, RES- RACGP (Dermatology), PGDip Practical Dermatology (Cardiff), Advanced Certificate Skin Cancer (ACD)

Darius is a skin cancer physician and a fellow of the Skin Cancer College Australasia. After achieving RACGP fellowship and Postgraduate Diploma in Practical Dermatology from Cardiff University, he completed the fellowship training program with Skin Cancer College Australasia. In addition to training with Skin Cancer College, he had the unique opportunity to be trained by both plastic surgeons and dermatologists & Mohs Surgeons. He was trained in advanced skin cancer reconstructive procedures at a private plastic surgery centre in Queensland for 3 years. He has completed the Advanced Certificate of Skin Cancer program by the Australian College of Dermatologists. He also completed a Visiting Fellowship Program in Dermatologic Surgery at the St John’s Institute of Dermatology, London, an internationally recognised centre of excellence in education and research. In addition to training in Australia, Darius has obtained further training in dermatologic surgery in UK, USA, Europe and Singapore. His other experiences include examiner for the SCCA fellowship, expert opinion provision, presenting for various organisations and GP Specialist review panel at the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse. 


    • Analyzing the morphological spectrum of epithelioid fibrous histiocytoma and the immunohistochemical performance of the ALK D5F3 and ALK1 clones. Moayed-Alaei L, Vargas AC, Adybeik D, Maclean F, Moir D. Hum Pathol. 2022; 120:46-56

    • Cutaneous myeloid sarcoma. A localized or a systemic disease? Sagi L, Khaira GS, Adybeik D. Hong Kong Journal of Dermatology and Venereology (2019) 27, 79-82

    • Punch biopsy should be avoided in clinically suspicious pigmented lesions, Adybeik D, Ciranni D, Moayed-Alaei L. AJGP Volume48, Issue 6, June 2019, Page 345-346  

    • Laser and light-based modalities in treatment of excess hair growth, Adybeik D. Journal of Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery Vol 5 No 3, 2011

    • Sensitivity and specificity of two provocative tests (Phalen test and Hoffmann-Tinel’s sign) in the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome, Rayegani SM, Adybeik D, Kia MA, Journal of Orthopaedic Medicine, 2004; 26[2]:51-53

    • Bone Transport in Chronic Infected Non-Union Using AO External Fixator, Kazemian G,  Kokly S, Adybeik D. The Internet Journal of orthopaedic surgery.2004 Volume2 Number1

    • A survey of elbow injuries in badminton players, Azarbal M, Adybeik D, Ettehad H, Kia MA. The Internet Journal of orthopaedic surgery.2004 Volume2 Number1

    • Orthopaedic injuries in the victims of the earthquake of Bam, Kazemian G, Azarbal M,  Emami M, Khatibi M, Ebrahimpour A, Shafaghi T, Ettehad H, Adybeik D. The internet Journal of orthopaedic surgery.2004 Volume2 Number1

    • An overview of golfer’s elbow, Adybeik, D. Sports Medicine Quarterly, 8th year, vol 29, 2003

    • Extracorporeal shock wave therapy in the treatment of tennis elbow: a review on current evidence, Adybeik, D. Sports Medicine Quarterly, vol 30, 2004

    • A review on treatment modalities of tennis elbow, Adybeik, D. Sports Medicine Quarterly, vol 30, 2004 

Other presenters: 

Dr Lior Sagi MD, FACD Consultant Dermatologist

Dr Sagi is a specialist dermatologist practising in NSW Hunter region. He is a Fellow of the Australasian College of Dermatologists and a member of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.

Dr Sagi has presented in national and international conferences and has authored articles in peer reviewed journals. He also served as a reviewer of articles for several medical journals. Dr Sagi enjoys teaching dermatology and gives education lectures to GPs and accommodates GPs for observership sessions.


Administration and Technical Support Team

Charmian Orr RN
Education Program Coordinator

Sandy Irving RN
Education Program Coordinator

Armani Archers BPhty
Education Support Officer 

Mary Moayed MSc
Education Support Officer